Come Visit Marin General’s New Moms Support Group!

Attending a New Moms Support Group after having a baby can help you share the joys and concerns of parenting with other new moms and get help if you need it.

Having a baby is an amazing and rewarding experience that brings an incredible amount of joy and happiness. But that new life in your home also keeps you incredibly busy and flips your routine upside down.

Having to care for a baby 24 hours a day, 7 days a week can be trying and frustrating, and while it’s not often talked about — especially in those first few days and weeks of happy visitors — all the new responsibilities can detract from the joy and happiness you feel. Sometimes new moms need support from someone who is not a spouse, a family member, or a close friend. Support needs to come from someone going through the same thing you are, at the same time. For this reason, it is important to attend a New Moms Support Group, like the one provided by Marin General Hospital.

Becoming a mother comes with lots of stress and sacrifices, some you know going into parenthood and others you don’t find out about until you have a screaming baby in one hand, dirty laundry in the other, and an ever-growing to-do list to accomplish. Common stressors of being a new mom include sleep deprivation, competing priorities, lack of “me time,” lack of alone time with your spouse, and an inability to perform normal tasks alone or regularly, like cooking, showering, or even using the bathroom.

More than the Baby Blues: Postpartum Depression

Another serious condition after giving birth is postpartum depression, and it’s much more common than most people think. According to the American Psychological Association, approximately 1 in 7 mothers experience postpartum depression, which involves more than the very common “baby blues” (having normal feelings of stress, loneliness, sadness, and fatigue).

Symptoms of postpartum depression could include insomnia, loss of appetite, extreme anxiety or irritability, and difficulty bonding with your baby. If untreated, this condition can last several months or longer and create a uncomfortable — or even hostile — living environment for you and your family. Treatment options for postpartum depression include counseling, antidepressants, and hormone therapy. Women who experience the struggles of postpartum depression need a strong, comprehensive network of support ranging from friends and family to medical professionals.

Support Is Crucial for New Mothers

With all the sacrifices and stress of parenthood, it’s important to find a supportive and understanding environment outside your normal familial and social circles to help cope with the struggles and celebrate the successes of motherhood. Joining Marin General’s New Moms Support Group can be one way to accomplish this.

The relaxed environment provided by the Moms Support Group creates great opportunities to meet other new moms so you can expand your network of support. The New Moms Support Group is a time when new moms can bring their baby, get together with other women who are going through similar experiences, and talk in a supportive and non-judgmental environment.

During a New Moms Support Group meeting, moms share the joys and concerns of being a parent while talking about their parenting practices and experiences, asking questions, and receiving emotional and physical support. Typical topics include breastfeeding, newborn care, milestones, and parenting techniques.

A board-certified Registered Nurse and Lactation Consultant leads the New Moms Support Group. As a nurse, she can help answer medical-related questions, monitor your baby’s progress, and guide you through the early stages of motherhood.

Please Join Us at the New Moms Support Group!

Please join us for the New Moms Support Group. It meets every Thursday (except major holidays) from 11:00 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. in the Larkspur Conference Room in Marin General Hospital. Call (415) 925-7522 with any questions you may have. We’re happy to help!

Canopy Health advocates for the health and wellness of the entire Bay Area community. Ensuring that new mothers have the medical, emotional, and physical support they need a vital part of our advocacy and commitment.


Postpartum depression. (2016). American Psychological Association. Retrieved from

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