Are Health Screenings Right for Your Business?

Encouraging and incentivizing your employees to get regular health screenings can lead to a healthier and happier workforce

It’s no secret that a healthy and happy workforce is good for business. Healthy employees are more productive, cost less to insure and employ, and take fewer sick days. One way to encourage healthier behaviors and healthcare outcomes among employees, both at work and home, is to have host health screenings at during work hours.

Health Screenings

Health screenings are a good way to measure and assess an individual’s health status. The data gathered serves as a benchmark for how an individual can improve or maintain their health.

The different types of screenings can include biometric measurements such as height, weight, body mass index (BMI), aerobic fitness, blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood glucose levels or preventive check-ups for diseases like cancer. They are performed by healthcare professionals who can also create maintenance and treatment plans or goals for how an individual can improve certain health measurements.

Biometric Screenings

Biometric health screenings are often inexpensive and do not require a large time investment, and can easily be done privately in your office by a healthcare professional.

  • Height, Weight, and BMI
    Accurate height and weight measurements are critical to an individual’s health. This data is used to evaluate and assess treatment options.
  • Blood Pressure Screening
    Heart disease, hypertension, stroke, and kidney failure are all common conditions and can be fatal. Many people suffer from hypertension and don’t know they have it so they aren’t treated, which puts them at higher risk for a stroke. 
  • Cholesterol Screening
    High cholesterol is a common condition and contributes to a host of health issues. High cholesterol is very treatable with changes to daily diet.
  • Blood Glucose Levels
    Healthy blood glucose levels are vital to the body’s circulatory system. Low levels can cause lethargy, irritability, and impaired mental capacity, while high levels can lead to diseases like Type II diabetes.

The following exams cannot be completed in an office setting and require appointments with professionals in their respective fields, but these screenings are important to maintaining and improving health.

  • Annual Eye Exam
    Annual eye exams are good ways to spot signs of chronic diseases and illnesses, like hypertension and diabetes, before other physical symptoms occur. 
  • Regular Dental Checkups
    Regular dental cleanings are also an important way to detect chronic diseases and illnesses before outward physical symptoms manifest.
  • Cancer Screenings
    Getting routine preventive cancer screenings is an important way to prevent and detect abnormal cells early, when cancer is easiest to treat. Among the most important screenings are mammograms, colonoscopies, pap smears, and prostate exams.

While you can’t offer these screenings in office, you can make it easier for your employees to schedule them. Offer paid time off and flexible work scheduling so they can easily receive these vital health exams.

Approaching the Subject

Even though the health of your employee affects you and your business greatly, not to mention your other employees, it is still a very private and personal matter. Approaching the subject can be challenging and uncomfortable, but it’s all in the way the conversation is framed.

For instance, never single employees out, even in private. Instead, hold a company-wide meeting to discuss how you are willing and eager to sponsor various healthcare screenings for all your employees.

Explain why good health is important to your employees, and give them a big picture overview of why participating in these screenings is important. Maintaining and improving good health brings peace of mind for everyone in their life. Even though having employees in good health is extremely beneficial to you, keep the conversation focused on why these screenings are beneficial to them.

Benefits to You

While you may not see returns from the investment you’ve made in your employees’ health immediately, it will pay off in the long run through lower health insurance premiums, fewer sick days, and more energetic and productive employees. You can also lead by example by participating in the screenings and showing employees how you are personally taking steps to improve your health.

Creating a corporate culture that places a high value on the well-being of employees and their families will help employees feel that they are cared about. This type of culture can also help your company attract and retain talented employees.

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