Are You Implementing Healthcare Best Practices? Canopy Health Can Help!

With many companies renewing their benefits packages this time of year, you might want to consider asking your manager or HR representative about the benefits of Canopy Health.

As you start to reassess your employee benefits package, now is the time to explore Canopy Health’s refreshingly clear, human approach to Bay Area healthcare. In the following, we outline emerging best practices in employer-sponsored healthcare — and explain how Canopy Health can help you meet these goals.

Your Employees Value Affordable, High-Quality Healthcare Benefits

Recent surveys suggest that employees increasingly consider the quality and cost of their healthcare when they make employment-related decisions. U.S. employees are realizing that their physical and emotional health are incredibly valuable resources — and they’re looking for employers who acknowledge the importance of a healthy workforce.

In a 2017 report, Willis Towers Watson, a global benefits and risk management group, noted the following trends and best practices for employer-sponsored healthcare:

  • A shift from a rigid definition of health that focuses on medicine to one that encompasses their employees’ physical, mental, emotional, and financial health.
  • An acknowledgment that improving your employees’ health can increase productivity, morale, and help attract top talent.
  • The use of telemedicine, high-performance networks, and other high-value/low-cost options can improve your employees’ experience and outcomes while cutting costs.
  • Technologies, such as mobile apps and member portals, can help your employees better understand their out-of-pocket costs and make sound healthcare decisions.
  • High-performing employers are partnering with healthcare organizations that emphasize data-driven solutions, such as population health management.

As you assess your healthcare benefits package, consider whether your current network partners and insurance plans reflect these best practices. If not, it’s time to refresh your offerings and create an ideal benefit package for your workforce.

Millennial Employees Are Especially Worried About Healthcare Expenses and Access to Care

As Baby Boomers retire, Gen X’ers and Millennials are increasingly becoming the core of your workforce, and these younger workers sometimes have different healthcare priorities than their older counterparts. As your teams change composition, you want to make sure you have a benefits package and culture that appeals to younger talent.

First of all, younger generations are more concerned about the out-of-pocket costs associated with healthcare. Millennials are especially concerned about healthcare debt, have higher levels of healthcare literacy, and are more likely to compare pricing options. This means younger employees are savvier about healthcare pricing — and are more likely to notice a sub-par benefits package.

Secondly, younger employees want easier access to healthcare. Younger generations are typically more interested in telemedicine options, walk-in clinics, and the availability of high-quality care within their communities. Does your current package offer these popular treatment options?

Canopy Health Offers Employers a Great Combination of Access, Affordability, and Simplicity

Canopy Health is a high-performance healthcare alliance. Our members have access to a remarkable selection of respected and distinguished physicians and hospitals. And because our providers are evaluated based on the quality of their care, it’s in their best interest to deliver exceptional care that is efficient, preventive, and compassionate.

Our approach to healthcare reflects the values of your workforce and the industry’s best practices.

  • Transparency: Canopy Health will soon offer accurate pricing tools that help our members understand their out-of-pocket expenses and develop appropriate budgets.
  • Access: Our alliance spans eight Bay Area counties and includes nearly 5,000 physicians, 18 hospitals, and numerous care centers and clinics.
  • Technology: Members will soon be able to request Virtual Visits for non-emergency conditions via their smartphone, tablet, or electronic device without an appointment. A physician will even send prescriptions to the member’s pharmacy of choice (when necessary).
  • Analytics: We use data-based metrics to evaluate our alliance’s performance and use population health management strategies to engage at-risk members and improve healthcare outcomes.

We’re proud of our refreshingly clear, human approach to healthcare and how it can improve your employees’ health and wellness.

Canopy Health Carrier Partners Offer A Range of Affordable and High-Quality Health Plans

Because Canopy Health has a limited Knox-Keene license, we partner with reputable carrier partners that include our robust network of alliance partners in their health plans. These carriers offer an array of affordable plans with reasonably priced premiums, co-pays, and other out-of-pocket costs.

Once you select one of our carrier partners, your employees can easily join the Canopy Health community. They simply enroll in one of the plans and select a primary care physician (PCP) from one of our alliance’s medical groups. From there, they can receive a referral from their PCP for specialty care throughout our entire network.


High-performance insights — best practices in health care: 2017 22nd annual Willis Towers Watson best practices in health care employer survey. Willis Towers Watson. Retrieved from

Kantar Consulting (2018). 2018 Consumer health mindset study: Current situation: Engaged and confused. Alight. Retrieved from

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